Orthodontic treatment has been around for many years and is nothing new, however there are a lot of benefits often overlooked by patients wanting treatment. Many people don’t realize how much overall improvement can take place when the teeth and bite are straightened out. The teeth will be cleaner, straighter, stronger, and fewer maintenance will be needed throughout your lifetime.
Teeth Will Be Straighter
The most commonly known benefit of orthodontic treatment is straighter teeth. These treatments work to slowly adjust the teeth and the bite for short-term and long-term improvements to your overall oral health. Straighter teeth not only look more attractive but they are also easier to clean, do not cause pain, and are less likely to develop cavities. Crooked and missing teeth are not just a problem for children but also adults, which is why orthodontic treatment is ideal for patients of all ages.
Cleaner Teeth
The primary objective of most orthodontic treatments is to straighten the teeth and correct the bite. Not only do straighter teeth look better but they are also much easier to clean and maintain. Straight teeth have less ridges overlapping which can result in cavities because the underlying tooth cannot be cleaned properly. Flossing can also be very difficult with crooked teeth because they may be too close for the floss to move freely between the teeth. Aligned teeth also help to strengthen the teeth by helping with grinding and clenching. This can cause the teeth to break and chip from the consistent pressure which is easily fixed with orthodontic treatments.
More Attractive Smile
It is no secret that feeting braces can help get your teeth and mouth straighter and better aligned, therefore helping your smile to feel and look more attractive. Thanks to modern technology there have been many other methods and treatment options developed to offer more alternatives to braces. That way adults in need of orthodontic treatments do not have to use braces for treatment if they don’t prefer or if that option is not the most suitable for their unique situation.
Chewing and Sleeping is Easier
Many people don’t realize how much orthodontic treatment helps with small everyday things such as eating and sleeping. Orthodontic treatment helps improve the bite, even if your bite is slightly off from perfect your teeth and jaw can wear unevenly. This may not only cause pain but also cause further damage to your teeth and jaw and prevent you from ever being able to chew or bite down properly. Your sleep may also be affected because improper bites can cause clenching and grinding during the night. Orthodontic treatment can correct your bite fairly quickly and help you to sleep easier and bite more easily. It also prevents conditions such as locking jaw and weakened teeth.
Gain More Confidence
Confidence is often not something people think about when they are recommended for orthodontic treatment. However, studies have shown countless times that having crooked and missing teeth can lower your self esteem and cause you to avoid smiling and laughing at all costs. This can really take a toll on your mental health and ruin your self confidence not just now but in the future as well. Orthodontists, especially those at Bailey Orthodontics are excellent at tailoring treatments to the needs and wants of each patient. Healthy smiles are crucial in the physical and mental well being of everyone and should be taken seriously. While these treatments are not always the most fun to endure, it is often a small sacrifice for a lifetime of happiness with good dental health.
Better Overall Oral Health
Orthodontic treatment has many benefits but the biggest one is that it helps with the overall oral health. No matter what kinds of orthodontic issues you may be experiencing, orthodontic treatment may be exactly what you need for a more brilliant smile and better dental health. After treatment your teeth will be cleaner, your bite will be corrected, and your smile will look better than it ever has.
It’s Never Too Late
A lot of people believe that orthodontic treatment is only for children and teenager’s. While this is an excellent time for this type of treatment so the teeth and jaw can grow into their correct places, adults can gain just as much benefit from treatment. Most of the time adults get treatment for cosmetic reasons or because they are experiencing pain for some reason. With that said, the most common reason why adults don’t seek treatment is that they fear they will be stuck wearing braces in their 30’s and 40’s and feeling sixteen again. If this is the boat you’re in, there shouldn’t be a worry. There are a number of treatment options available that are not braces so you can keep your confidence while improving your smile. If you have been told you need orthodontic treatment or feel that you do, doesn’t hesitate finding a professional to explore your options. The expert orthodontists at Bailey Orthodontics in Bountiful, UT have the knowledge and experience you need.
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