It is important to ensure that you are aware of the signs that you or your child needs braces. Obtaining the appropriate orthodontic treatment can go a long way toward enhancing the appearance of your smile and minimizing the possibility of future oral health issues. When you obtain orthodontic treatment for your smile, you can help your teeth to become easier to clean and remain in great condition. These signs apply to children and adults alike, because crooked or misaligned teeth can cause oral health issues with anyone. These health issues often occur when it becomes more difficult to remove food particles from between the teeth.
Crowding occurs when you don’t have sufficient space in your jaw to house all of your teeth. This causes the teeth to crowd together and become crooked. When teeth are crowded, it often becomes much more difficult to clean the spaces between the teeth. This allows food particles and harmful components to become lodged in your teeth. Crowding of the teeth tends to lead to accelerated oral health issues. If you notice that your teeth are crowded together, it is likely that you need braces.
Gaps and Spaces
Gaps and spaces lead to many additional problems. For example, when there is a gap in your teeth, the teeth won’t be putting any pressure on that part of the jawbone. This leads to the jawbone deteriorating, which can cause additional shifting of the teeth. If there are gaps and spaces between your teeth, it will be important to seek orthodontic treatment to remedy the situation. Checking the placement of your teeth will often provide guidance regarding the necessity of braces.
Improper Bites
Improper bites are an incredibly common reason for braces. It is important to keep in mind that your teeth should fit comfortably together when your bite is in the correct placement. Overbites result when the upper teeth lay in front of the lower teeth. Underbites are the inverse situation, where the lower teeth rest over the upper teeth. Crossbites and open bites are other examples that indicate that you may require orthodontic treatment. The appropriate orthodontic treatment can help to resolve these bites and ensure that your teeth sit at a healthy point.
Difficulty Flossing
It is important to ensure that you always effectively and thoroughly floss your teeth. When you find that this is rather difficult, it is likely that your smile could require orthodontic treatment. It shouldn’t be particularly difficult to ensure that you can thoroughly remove food particles from the spaces between your teeth. When your teeth are straight, it tends to be far easier to keep them clean and remove harmful particles from the surfaces of your teeth.
Frequently Biting your Tongue
When you need braces, it is likely that you will find yourself frequently or consistently causing damage to the interior of your mouth. This often manifests as biting your tongue or the inside of your cheeks. Not only is this relatively painful, but it is also an indication that you would benefit from braces.
Difficulty with Pronunciation
Crooked teeth may make it difficult to pronounce certain sounds correctly. Not only can this be embarrassing, but it can also indicate that you require orthodontic treatment. The appropriate treatment can restore your teeth to their correct position, which will make it easier for you to make certain sounds. This can go a long way toward improving your confidence and ensuring that you smile much more frequently. This also helps to increase your overall levels of happiness.
Jawline Fatigue
When the teeth are crooked or otherwise misaligned, they won’t place strain evenly across each tooth. If you notice that there is an uneven amount of stress or fatigue on one point of your jawline when you are chewing, it is possible that you need braces. Misaligned teeth also tend to cause the teeth to wear out unevenly. This can cause substantial amounts of damage to the teeth. When you ensure that you obtain an effective orthodontic treatment, you can prevent significant amounts of damage to your teeth.
Timing of the Loss of Baby Teeth
It is important to pay attention to when you or your child loses their baby teeth. If the baby teeth are lost too early or too late, it is possible that there is an issue with the teeth. This is just one indication that you or your child needs braces. Other indications in the earlier years include visibly crooked teeth, prolonged use of a pacifier, or many additional considerations.
Jaw Shifting
A jaw that regularly shifts or makes sounds, like clicking or other noises, may require orthodontic care. If you notice these sounds, it is useful to consult with our experts. We can help to identify the underlying problem and help to ensure that you obtain the appropriate treatment to improve your oral health. Pay attention to how your jaw feels while you are chewing or speaking if you suspect you may need braces.
Options for Teeth Straightening

If you have determined that you need braces, it is important to keep in mind that there are multiple options available for the straightening of your teeth. Invisalign and braces tend to be the most well-known options. However, there are also many types of braces, including traditional varieties, lingual braces, and many additional options. Understanding the best possible option for straightening your teeth can help to ensure the most efficient method for the straightening of your smile.
Here at Bailey Orthodontics, we are passionate about providing the orthodontic treatment and services that you need to maintain a heathy, beautiful smile. It is important to ensure that you have your teeth straightened when necessary in order to prevent a substantial amount of damage to your teeth and oral health. We offer many services to ensure the best straightening solution for your teeth, whether you want Invisalign or braces. To learn more about the signs that you need braces or to schedule an appointment with us, contact our expert team at Bailey Orthodontics today!
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