Feeling tightness or slight discomfort while wearing Invisalign is normal, but having an improper fit on your clear aligners will not help you straighten your teeth. If your Invisalign doesn’t fit or feels slightly off, there are some steps you can take to improve the tracking of your Invisalign.
Bailey Orthodontics is here to help you with any questions you have about braces, Invisalign, or other issues with your teeth. If your Invisalign doesn’t fit, give our office a call and we would be happy to help.
What Is Tracking?
Tracking is a clinical term used to describe the fit of your clear aligners or Invisalign against your teeth. When there are gaps between your teeth and your aligners, this means that they are not tracking and your teeth will not shift properly. If your aligners are not seated properly over your teeth, there are simple steps you can take to fix them.
1- Minimize The Gap With A Bite Stick
If you visit an orthodontist regularly for your Invisalign, you will have been given or have access to a bite stick or chewies. These tools help you have something to bite down on and slowly force your aligners to fit snugly against your teeth. These bite sticks or chewies can be bitten down on in 5-15 minute increments, several times per day until your aligner seats properly.
2- Check That Your Aligner Isn’t Broken
Another common reason that your Invisalign doesn’t fit or feels uncomfortable to wear properly is that it is cracked or otherwise broken. If there are splits or cracks in your Invisalign, this can cause them to become misaligned. If you find damage, talk to your orthodontist immediately to help refit your trays or see where you may be on your straightening journey.
3- Wear Your Invisalign As Directed
It is recommended that you wear your Invisalign for at least 20 hours a day to see changes in your teeth. Wearing your Invisalign properly also helps them to stay fit to your teeth even between different sets of trays. If your Invisalign doesn’t fit, think about how frequently you have been wearing them. The culprit could be that you are not wearing your aligners enough to get the desired movement before moving on to your next set of trays.
4- Try Back Tracking
If you have recently switched to a new set of trays that are not fitting well on your teeth, despite your set timeline, your teeth may not be ready to move on to the next phase. Backtracking in Invisalign just means that you go back to your previous set of trays until your teeth fit into the new ones.
This may seem like you are not making progress, but your teeth often move slowly and have resistance to Invisalign. If your new Invisalign doesn’t fit, or you think your new set of trays is too much for your teeth to handle, talk to your orthodontist about backtracking.
Why Are My Teeth Taking Longer To Shift?
Everyone’s teeth are different. Your teeth may take longer to adjust or you may have a stubborn tooth that may be taking longer to move than expected, but this does not necessarily mean that your Invisalign isn’t working. Some Invisalign cases are more complex than others and your aligners may take some time to slowly move your teeth into the right position. Be patient with the process, but feel free to reach out to your orthodontist with any concerns you may have along the way.
Try Invisalign With Bailey Orthodontics
Working with our team at Bailey Orthodontics will help you have the best smile possible. Our orthodontists work to provide you with clinical advice and help you determine what alignment option is best for you. We offer Invisalign for ages 7 and up, braces for all ages, two-phase orthodontics, and more to ensure that everyone will have the best oral health and beautiful results from their smile journey.
What sets us apart from other orthodontic offices is our approach to helping our patients feel safe and heard while seeking care with us. We offer our 7 and up kids club, have friendly staff, and our office support dog, Ralphie. We have also been voted as Best Of Northern Utah 2022 and are proud to serve our growing community. Learn more about what we have to offer by reaching out to us by phone or email!