The process of having braces can be extensive. After they are removed you want your new aligned teeth to look their best. Patients may feel that their smile has yellowed and may turn to whitening their teeth so they sparkle. Bailey Orthodontics has provided some info and tips about bleaching your teeth after having braces. Read below to learn more about bleach trays, whitening stripes and whitening toothpaste.
Keeping Up On Care
Caring for your teeth after braces is just as important as taking care of them while you have braces. After your braces are removed you can schedule a cleaning with your general dentist. Getting around your braces to clean can be hard so having bare teeth is the perfect time to get them professionally cleaned.
You should also floss your teeth daily to get the plaque and food that your toothbrush can not reach. Flossing between each tooth should be a little easier now that your braces are removed.
Wearing your retainer after having braces can help keep your teeth in the perfectly straight position for longer. Whether you have had braces or not, your teeth will begin to shift over time. Your bottom teeth are especially prone to shifting. Your orthodontist will provide care instructions for your retainer and more information is available on our website.

How Long Should I Wait To Bleach After Braces?
Most orthodontists will recommend that patients wait until after braces are removed to whiten teeth.THis is because if your teeth shift or move during treatment the whitening agent may not be able to reach all the spots of your teeth, leaving an uneven color spectrum on your teeth.
After your braces are removed it is recommended that you wait six months. This is recommended because of the sensitivity of your teeth. Our saliva is also helpful in removing some of the discoloration from teeth. After six months, if you still feel that your teeth are discolored you can pursue bleaching. Always be sure to have teeth whitening performed by a dental professional.
Bleach Trays
At Bailey Orthodontics you can get bleach trays to help you whiten your teeth at home. We offer custom bleach trays with a stronger, more controlled bleach that you can do at home. Keeping your teeth healthy during your treatment with braces is important because we only recommend using bleach trays on teeth that are healthy.
In order to prep your teeth for bleaching you can prep your teeth for sensitivity by using a sensitive toothpaste for up to two weeks before using our bleach trays.
Whitening Stripes Vs. Toothpaste
There are ways to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home without bleach. Whitening stripes have improved and become more popular in recent years. When choosing a whitening stripe make sure that you choose one that does not cause too much sensitivity to your teeth. If sensitivity develops it doesn’t mean your teeth are damaged but the peroxide has gone down to the innermost layers of your teeth. Stop whitening until the sensitivity improves and then you should be able to continue. If the sensitivity does not improve, contact your dentist or orthodontist.
Toothpaste works differently than strips. Toothpaste doesn’t contain peroxide so it can not remove older stains. This means that whitening toothpaste just removes surface stains. These toothpastes can also contain blue covarine which adheres to your teeth instantly making them appear whiter but not removing the stains.
Recommended UpkeepKeeping your teeth clean and healthy will help your smile to look your best. Brushing with the right products and only bleaching with approved products while helping your smile to stay beautiful. Bailey Orthodontics is always here to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
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