Most people have some degree of facial asymmetry. Whether it be one side of your nose is higher than the other or that one side of your jaw is sharper than the other, there are plenty of little asymmetries we all have. Sometimes, though, our facial asymmetries aren’t so subtle, and we start looking for ways to make our faces more symmetrical. Did you know that some orthodontic issues can result in an asymmetrical face? It’s true. Here’s what you need to know about the various ways in which orthodontics can treat facial asymmetry.
Orthodontic Issues That Can Cause Facial Asymmetry
Some facial asymmetries orthodontics can’t do anything about, such as if you have one eye that is larger than the other. In the cases in which orthodontic problems cause the asymmetries or contribute to them though, such as a sunken in cheek or a longer jaw, going to an orthodontist can in fact help. Some of the most common issues that people go to orthodontists for are the very culprits of their insecurities with their faces.
Most people have a slight overbite, which is when your upper teeth stick out over your lower teeth. However, if you have a significant overbite, this can cause your face to look sunken in and your chin weak, as your face adjusts to be able to accommodate for it. Through having an overbite treated, this results in your face looking more full and even.
Thus, not only are your teeth helped through having an overbite treated, since overbites can cause your teeth to wear out and result in significant jaw pain, but it can also enhance the symmetry of your face.
Opposite to an overbite, an underbite is when your lower teeth stick out in front of your upper teeth. This makes your jaw much more prominent, and can result in health issues such as difficulty eating, the pressure placed on your teeth, and it can even impact your speech. Receiving orthodontic treatment for an underbite helps to shift the jaw back where it should be, resulting in a more natural looking face.
If some of your upper teeth go behind your lower teeth instead of in front of them, this is called a crossbite. This can affect your smile and the symmetry of your face, in addition to putting undue pressure on your teeth and making them more vulnerable to chipping. Through having your teeth realigned, you can have a more aligned smile and face that you can feel confident in.
Open Bite
As it sounds, an open bite is when your upper and lower teeth don’t touch when you close your jaw. This not only makes chewing difficult, as well as biting into certain foods, but also is a significant cause of insecurity and low-self esteem, since this not only affects how your face looks, but also is a very apparent orthodontic issue. Having an orthodontist correct an open bite can not only resolve issues with eating, but can also improve self-esteem in regards to the aesthetics of your face.
How Orthodontics Can Help
Orthodontic treatment can fix facial asymmetries in a number of ways, through treating the root of the problem. In addition to fixing the problem itself, orthodontics can affect other areas of your face as well, since they shift your teeth, and ergo, your jawbone, which dominos into affecting your whole face.
The key way orthodontics help facial asymmetry is through giving you a more natural bite, which helps your face in and of itself. In addition to your bite, orthodontics can shift your cheekbones, fixing any sunken cheeks, alter your jawline, and all-in-all, give your face a more natural, symmetrical appearance through the little changes resulting from the treatment.
When Orthodontics Works With Surgery
In cases of severe facial asymmetry, orthodontic treatment can be coupled with surgery in order to help people achieve more symmetrical faces, as well as treating the underlying issue. People may consult with an orthodontist and a surgeon who will work together. This kind of treatment is individualized to whatever the patient may need. Sometimes, orthodontics are involved before surgery, sometimes, before and after. It all depends on the person.
Do You Want To Learn More About How Orthodontics Affect Facial Asymmetry?
Bailey Orthodontics knows that you don’t just want to fix the issues with your teeth, you also want to keep your face looking good. With our professional care, our orthodontic treatment will fix small facial asymmetries that result from orthodontic problems. If you have any questions about the orthodontic issues we treat or the methods we use, please feel free to contact us today!